EENK was created by designer Lee Hyemee, beloved for her boldness and passion which crosses from fashion to art to lifestyle. 
EENK has launched ‘The Letter Project’ which presents unique design items with keywords designated for each alphabet letter from A to Z. Saving A for the finale, EENK has so far presented B (for Beanie), C (for Clutch/Cap), D (for Dalring), E (for Earring), F (for Fedora), G (for Gold), H (for Handbag), I (for Iphonecase) and has recently launched a new apparel line with concepts I (for Indigo) & J (for Jean), and now K (for Knit) for the new season. The Letter Project will continue until it hits Z, and then will come back to A to present a total collection of EENK - A for All, A for Archive.
In the age of fast fashion and endless cycles of trends, EENK aims to bring collectibles instead of disposables into the client’s personal archives. 



